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We are dedicated to providing reliable web hosting solutions of the highest quality. All of our plans come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.  Our focus is on reliability, uptime, and customer support. The servers we utilize are Dual Xeon 2.4ghz with 2 gigs of ram. Our network backbone consists of UUNET, Level3, Verio, Time Warner, Global Crossing, AboveNet, and Allegiance Telecom. Note All prices are in $AU dollars.                                                                                                       Control Panel Demo Login info: xdemo / xdemo

Plans Basic Standard Advanced
Disk Space 150 MB 500mb 750mb
Bandwidth 1,500 mb 5,000mb 7,500mb
Monthly Price $24.95(AU$) $44.95(AU$) $69.95(AU$)
99.9% uptime yes yes yes
24/7 support yes yes yes
Daily backups yes yes yes
No Contract yes yes yes
30 day money back guarantee yes yes yes
Free Setup yes yes yes


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                                               Domain / FTP Features
Domains allowed unlimited unlimited unlimited
Subdomains 5 10 25
FTP accounts 5 10 25
                                                                 Supported Features
MySQL Databases 5 10 25
CGI yes yes yes
PERL yes yes yes
Cron yes yes yes
SSI yes yes yes
Frontpage yes yes yes
GD yes yes yes
PHP yes yes yes
POP3 Accounts 20 50 150
Auto responders unlimited unlimited unlimited
Mailing Lists unlimited unlimited unlimited
Mail Forward unlimited unlimited unlimited
Web mail yes yes yes
Catch ALL yes yes yes
Spam Assasin yes yes yes
SMTP yes yes yes
IMAP yes yes yes
                                                              Control Panel Features
Latest Cpanel Control Panel Demo Login info: xdemo / xdemo
Fantastico yes yes yes
Hotlink protection yes yes yes
IP Deny manager yes yes yes
Search Engine Submittal yes yes yes
Custom Error Pages yes yes yes
Instant Blogs yes yes yes
Instant Portals yes yes yes
Instant php nuke yes yes yes
Instant Chatroom yes yes yes
Instant Forums yes yes yes
Instant Counter yes yes yes
web based ftp yes yes yes
Password protected folders yes yes yes
phpmyadmin yes yes yes
Webalizer yes yes yes
Raw Log Access yes yes yes
Referrer Log yes yes yes
Error Log yes yes yes
Analog yes yes yes
                                                   Eccomerce Features
Private SSL yes yes yes
Agora Shopping cart yes yes yes
Instant os Commerce yes yes yes
Cube Cart yes yes yes
                                                                        Addon Services
Disk Space $4/100mb $4/100mb $4/100mb
Data Transfer $3 / GB $3 / GB $3 / GB
Domain Pointer Free Free Free
Domain Addon Free Free Free
Personal DNS Name Servers $10/mo $10/mo $10/mo
Personal SSL
$70 / yr $70 / yr $70 / yr
Personal SSL
install fee
$45 $45 $45
Static IP $4 /mo $4 /mo $4 /mo
Plans Basic Standard Advanced
Monthly price $24.95(AU$) $44.95(AU$) $69.95(AU$)
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